Frequently Asked Questions

What do you specialize in?

Coaching people to find their best health.

What is health coaching?

To me, health coaching is bringing all of my health knowledge and experience together with my behavior change wisdom so you attain the healthier you, that you desire, with greater speed and ease than if you were journeying alone.

My goal is happier and healthier for all.

Welcome to Spark Your Healing...
where we can get healthier, faster...together

Why does health sometimes feel overwhelming?

"Get Healthy" information overload is real in our culture especially with all of the contradictory information buzzing around.

To help decrease the overwhelm, do you have your:

- definite destination
- long term success plan
- SMART mini-goals
- commitment
- circle of support
- a partner to guide and to help you steer around obstacles ?

If no, consider how deeply you want to change your life.

Working with a coach helps you stay the course until you've reached your future healthier you!

What does a Health Coach do?

-Ask powerful questions to help you determine with definite clarity what level of healthy you want to be on Jan 1 (or any date you choose).

-Organize your outline of how to move forward towards your definite goal with mini-goals.

-Cheer you on.

-Create (together) your next action step to put in your calendar so you know you are moving your health forward, at a minimum, every week.

-Provide accountability and feedback.

-Point out your progress (especially when you can't see it)

-Listen and see you on your journey.

-Always hold the image of you healthy and happy in my heart and mind.

Imagine what your health could look like if you consistently applied health best practices for 26 or 52 weeks! Would you love that?

What are the rates of your services?

Intro/Q & A sessions are free,
so we can see if we are a dynamic match. (30+ min session)

Individual rates  and Group rates depend on what I'm offering and what level of interaction.

I offer free/low cost workshops several times a year to help up your inspiration to get healthier.

**I will never turn anyone away due to their financial conditions. Reach out...we all deserve to be coached to better health.

I feel that this is an investment in both your human potential and your health. What does your life look like and feel like when you're healthier?

How do I know where to start?

I hear you...

Simply schedule a Complimentary Q & A session.

There's no one right way to start, each client is different with a unique past and unique future goals... but having a coach by your side guiding you and inspiring you helps you to make choices that light you up.

I can help...but only if you reach out.
You can text/call/schedule online.

Are you certified?


I am a  Certified Health Coach* as well as a Certified Heal Faster (TM) Facilitator*.

*Dr. Sears Wellness Institute is IFC accredited & NBHWC approved.
* I am fully trained and certified by Peggy Huddleston.

Chill and Sleep Music - just for fun!

Pablo Arellano

Jean Michel Jarre*

*I can't even count how many times I fell asleep to his music in the backseat while traveling with my dad as a child.

Coaching Moments: Lifestyle Changes

I'm here to help you navigate across the full arc of your health journey employing both mind and body.

Let's say you...

- have questions about how to put into action your Primary Care Doctor's directions to make lifestyle changes (to lose weight, eat better, get more sleep).

I will help you understand and explore more fully the possible routes to take. I will also help you choose the best right next action for you to get started immediately and longer term.

-  feel nervous about having an MRI or your next mammogram.

I will help you prepare and feel ready and calm.  Prepare for Medical Tests

- feeling unsettled after all that 2020 brought and 2024 is ushering in?

I will help you lessen anxiety and start uncovering what a better more calm and vibrant life looks like for you.

-  trying to wean off a medication or welcome in a new one.

I will help you visualize and work towards that goal. You may needed the added support of a nutritionist or another professional. And we'll work towards that as well.

I both educate and lead you through the change process and empower you to choose your best path forward.

Seriously, coaches are game changers. 

How long does IT take?

IT, I'm guessing, refers to the CHANGE you desire.

Long-term change takes practice and time and support.

Short-term change is right around the corner...

By the time we hang up the phone, or end Zoom, after a Peggy Huddleston Reduce Anxiety and Insomnia workshop:
95% of my clients report a drop in their anxiety levels.

A study at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital, documented that patients listening for 48 hours, twice daily to the Heal Faster(TM) relaxation/healing MP3 (the same one you will use with me) showed:
- reduction in anxiety
- used less medication for anxiety
- significant improvement in heart rate variability


If you are looking for long-term, sustainable change then you're on the right track hiring a coach.

The book Change or Die studied people with life-threatening cardiovascular disease. Most people changed their ways and habit patterns to healthier for 30 - 42 days.

After those 4-6 weeks most people, (over 90%!) go back to their old lifestyle habits that helped cause the disease initially.

Long-term change calls for a circle of support.

Of those who gathered a ring of support around them, 72% sustained change for 3 years!!

What type of change are you looking for? Short, long, undecided or life long?

Your answer points you to your next step forward...

What are your terms and conditions?

Your happiness is guaranteed. Happiness guarantees are unique to each program.